Be inspired to become a better version of you. author spotlight: bob goff

are you ready for it?

in this blog:

  • i will give you my big takeaways from 3 books written by bob goff (my favorite author)

    • love does

    • everybody always

    • dream big

i love reading non-fiction faith books because i love taking small steps to grow my mind and spirit.

i first heard about bob goff from a woman in my church small group. she brought in one chapter from everybody always to share. immediately, i was hooked. i purchased one book, finished it, purchased another, finished it and purchased one more.

i appreciate his laid back yet action oriented style. he’s a man of faith yet his books have no bible verses. his writing is full of truths anchored in god’s word. i heard him once say that a person asked him why he’s watering down jesus. he replied because this makes his content more reachable to everyone.

he’s a speaker, author, podcaster, Honorary Consul to Uganda, former lawyer, a pilot, founder of a nonprofit organization and a lover of balloons (seriously he mentions it constantly). Plus he’s lives in san diego! I love anyone with ties to san diego.

whenever i read i book i try to remember one big idea. sometimes books are loaded with 30 great ideas. but trying to do 30 new things is really hard. i like small steps. therefore, i just try and focus on one big takeaway.

love does

discover a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world

my big takeaway: the power of actions

In the book Love Does, bob writes about doing, moving, taking action, and moving from the bleachers of life to the field. He encourages ordinary people like you and me to get things done! in every chapter he shares inspiring stories from his big life. He takes action, continuously.

he has his “meetings” at tom sawyer island in disneyland. who does that!? But i sure love it!

He writes, “I used to think God guided us by opening and closing doors, but now I know sometimes god wants us to kick some doors down.” you’ll have to read chapter 8 to read the unexpected way he entered law school.

He shares how he meets with a group of men regularly but instead of calling it bible study they call it bible doing.

Bob is all about going out there and doing the things in the bible. he encourages his readers (and listeners if you ever listen to his podcasts) to don’t just agree with the word but put it into action!

everybody always

becoming love in a world full of setbacks and difficult people

my big takeaway: get closer to all the people god created, not just some of them

the title of his book is genius and so spot on. “to become love in a world full of setbacks and difficult people” how accurate! that could be a life mission statement right there.

in this book bob goff shares stories about him loving people, despite challenges, differences, or anything really. he loves everybody. he says he’s not a lawyer for jesus but a student. so he doesn’t spend any time judging others because he’s too busy loving on them.

Bob goff writes his phone number inside his books. once (well now it has happened more than once) he got a call from a man in jail needing an ankle bracelet. if the man could afford one, he would be let free. bob gasped at the price but wrote a check for the man. the title of this chapter is, “what grace cost” and he realized that grace doesn’t cost as much as we’d expect.

i remind myself “love difficult people” frequently. if you are around people or talk to others… you may feel like me and need this reminder. all the time.

dream big

know what you want, why you want it, and what you’re going to do about it

my biggest takeaway: go after your biggest ambitions

i wrote all over this book! even before the book began. I heard about this book a few years ago. i thought, “dream big!?” umm what do i dream big about? then in early 2023 i came across the book again. it was perfect timing. I had a rumbling in my belly and an unexpected circumstance that led to prayer, reflection and a new opportunity.

bob goff encourages his readers to pursue their ambitions. he has been detained, in jail, kicked out of countries, in war zones, and failed completely. why? he starts schools and safe houses in Uganda, Nepal, Somalia, and Iraq just to name a few. His foundation started a prison program in san quentin. talk about dreaming big and doing something about it!

timing is everything and if this is your time to dream big (no matter the age you are), pick up this book. it will get you taking some brave steps.

if you are ready to get the most out of life and you are ready to go after it I highly recommend any of these books to get you moving!

if you know a young adult in a season of being stuck, buy them dream big first then the other two! if you are in a season of being stuck buy dream big for yourself.

be inspired to


a better version of



become a tiny bit better by reading a book.


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